Welcome to our new CfAS PDRAs and students in Physics

Welcome to our new PDRAs and students in Physics. Martina Esposito is a new PDRA, partially funded by CfAS, who is working on developing new parametric amplifiers together with Peter Leek. Matthew Bristow is a new EPSRC student working on understanding the complex phase diagrams of novel superconducting materials under the supervison of  Amalia Coldea and Stephen Blundell. Shiv Singh is a new CfAS PDRA working on superconducting critical fields measurements and developing new techniques to probe superconducting properties of materials under the supervision of Amalia Coldea. Jordan Thompson is a short-term CfAS PDRA who will aim to delevop a new experimental probe for testing superconductors using currents up to 2000 A at low temperatures and high magnetic fields under the supervison of Amalia Coldea and Rob Storey.