About the Centre

Martin Wood Magnet

Sir Martin Wood's first superconducting magnet

Oxford has a long tradition of pursuing the exciting world of superconductivity and our Centre reflects the direct engagement between research and industry to prepare the technological and fundamental advances of the future.  Our Superconductivity Hub is a joint project between the Materials Department and the Physics Department of the University of Oxford and the local industrial partners and research centres with interests in future applications of superconducting materials.  

Our aims

  • To pursue projects that can lead to future technologies and lead to the discovery of novel superconducting materials.  
  • To train people with theoretical and practical skills in superconductivity transferable to careers in relevant industries and research institutes. 

Our facilities

The Centre hosts a suite of experimental and testing facilities to encourage interaction between academia and industry to solve problems experienced in current applications and to explore future application areas. 


The Oxford Centre for Applied Superconductivity has been financially supported by the Local Growth Funding through Oxfordshire County Council and the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, and currently holds awards from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Daphne Jackson Trust, the University of Oxford EPSRC Innovation Acceleration Account, and studentships funded by our local industrial partners.